After School Program

We operate every regular school day during the regular school year,  beginning immediately upon conclusion of the regular school day, and at least until 6:00 p.m.

Judith Quinonez

Site Coordinator

Email Judith Quinonez

available after 1pm

Congratulations to the Alicante After School Program staff

The Boys and Girls Club of Kern County Site of the Month!!!


Regular Day Schedule:


Starts at 2:22pm

Pick up starts at 5:22pm - 6:00pm



Starts at 2:47

Pick up starts at 5:47pm - 6:00pm


Early Out:


Starts at 1:00pm

Pick up starts at 4:00pm - 6:00pm



Starts at 1:30

Pick up starts at 4:30pm - 6:00pm